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- Best, natural, side effect free, anti-anxiety med
Best, natural, side effect free, anti-anxiety med
Hint: it’s available to you right now
the best, natural, side effect free, anti-anxiety medication? it’s available to you right now!
It’s the very best, natural, side effect free, anti-anxiety solution.
What is it?
That’s it.
The present moment!
Sounds simple enough, right?
But being able to harness the benefits of THE NOW (!) takes practice!
Why is accessing the present moment such an effective antidote to anxiety?
The experience of anxiety is fueled by thoughts having to do with realities outside of the present moment. i.e. the thought “omg what if I have this pain in my lower back forever and it never goes away?!” has to do with some imagined future and not with the here + now. But when we connect to the present moment fully we are able to, even if only for a moment, let go of that story and come back to the simplicity and truth of the present moment.
In that moment the truth of the present moment might be, “I notice I have tight sensations in my lower back, I notice I have thoughts passing through my mind about how long the pain will last, I notice my body is starting to tighten and my heart rate is going faster.” That is what is happening inside of you in that moment and the story of the future is just a story.
When I coach my clients on mindbody techniques for chronic pain I have them make a list of unhelpful beliefs and stories they have about their chronic pain. These might include things like, “I’ll be in pain forever” or “I’ll never fall in love and get married because of this condition” or “this pain is all my fault and I deserve this”. Once you know the stories you repeat in your mind you can detect them when they pop up, and make the choice to set the story down and return to the present moment.
So, how can you drop the anxiety-provoking story in your mind and find your way back to the present moment? First begin by recognizing that you have left the present moment. You might recognize you are dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. You might notice that you were aware of a physical sensation and then fell down a rumination rabbit hole about what this pain means. Just notice that this has happened. Now that you have noticed you have left the present moment there are a number of ways you can find your way back:
READ THE BLOG POST HERE FOR A LIST OF TECHNIQUES! (and a bunch of free meditations!!)
and stay tuned in the coming weeks for deeper dives into each of the techniques!
Respond to this email and let me know: what do you think? Do you believe that connecting to the present moment could offer you some relief from anxiety? Have you tried any of these techniques and have they been helpful to you?
Wishing you deeper breaths and greater joy,

P.S. As many of you know I launched my mindbody coaching for chronic pain program this past Winter and the level of interest was overwhelming! I wasn’t able to work with all of you but I now have 4 spots opening this June! If you sign up for one of those spots, by the end of the summer you could:
have access to an arsenal of the essential mindbody practices for managing and reducing pain.
have developed insight into your inner world of thoughts and feelings and as a result radically transform your relationship to yourself and your pain.
have shifted your relationship to your body from one of fear and frustration to one of compassion and care.
have personalized techniques for reducing anxiety so you can shift your attention back to the things you love.
take back control of your life, feel the most capable you’ve felt yet on your chronic pain journey, and feel more ease and joy every day.
Interested in learning more? Respond to this email now and I’ll send you all the info you need to know, and then we can set up a consultation call! All consultation calls must be scheduled before May 16th to begin working in June. (If you’re interested but would like to start working together later than June just reach out and let me know!)
Interested in group mindbody coaching? Join the waitlist for the group starting this September. Respond to this email if interested.
P.P.S . Are you one of my readers experiencing chronic pelvic pain and have a few minutes to spare?
It would mean so much to me if you took a moment to fill out this survey I created to learn more about the experiences and needs of women experiencing chronic pelvic pain. The better I understand you the more helpful I can be!
thanks so much In advance!!!