Is it actually possible to not fear pain?

yes, and here are some helpful tips!

You might ask yourself: If I try to not fear my pain am I just repressing and denying my true feelings?”

But there’s a big difference between repressing your fear, and befriending and allowing your fear.

Repressing and denying your fear would not lead to healing. The fear would only come back bigger and stronger.

Befriending and allowing your fear means you are willing to sit with the fear, get to know it, examine it with non-judgmental curiosity, and ultimately significantly reduce the power fear has over you.

How to practice being with pain without fear:

  • When you notice pain arise start labeling the sensations using descriptive words other than “pain”.

  • As you label these sensations practice observing your experience with curiosity as If you are experiencing these sensations for the very first time. Take slow, deep breaths as you do this.

  • Remind yourself that what you are experiencing are neurons firing which your brain is then interpreting.

  • Remind yourself that you are safe, it is safe to experience the firing of these neurons, and you get to choose how you respond to this experience.

Practices and techniques that will help you reduce fear of pain:

  • Peter Levine’s practice of Pendulation. In this practice you have the opportunity to “pendulate” your awareness back and forth between an area of high sensation and an area in your body that feels safe/neutral/ pleasant. You can receive several benefits from this practice including neutralizing the polarity between pleasant and unpleasant sensations.

  • Mindfulness practices will give you the opportunity to strengthen your ability to witness your experience without judgment, and to observe your automatic interpretations of “painful” sensations and re-interpret them through a less emotionally charged lens.

  • Somatic Tracking is another great technique that was specifically created to give the Individual an opportunity to experience pain without fear.

  • Many breathing techniques will give you an opportunity to down regulate your nervous system and send your mindbody signals of safety while experiencing pain.

  • Journaling, EFT tapping, IFS parts work, and many other tools for emotional regulation will be hugely supportive on your journey of reducing fear of pain.

What to keep in mind when practicing experiencing pain without fear:

  • Practice experiencing pain without fear when your pain is within your window of tolerance. This could be when your pain Is below a 6 out of 10, but this will be different for everyone.

    • when the pain is too intense it’s best to do things that help you cope: ice, heat, deep breathing, journaling, expressing the fear.

  • Practice being with the pain without fear In small increments. Maybe the first time you practice this is just for 30 seconds, maybe the next time is a minute, the next time is 3 minutes, and so on...

To learn more about the pain ←→ fear cycle click here.

Have questions? Want to learn more? Respond to this e-mail and let’s talk!

Wishing you deeper breaths and greater joy,